Desert Museum Science and Conservation


The future of the Sonoran Desert region rests on our ability to adapt to a rapidly changing climate, 这反过来又取决于生物多样性, resilient ecosystems. 在这个体系中,人们既强大又脆弱. For nearly 70 years, the Desert Museum has been helping people understand and appreciate their environment and their multiple roles in it. Museum scientists and curators documented and disseminated the foundation of natural history knowledge that underpins management decisions today, as it has in the past.

保护生物多样性是连接人与自然的中间环节, Engagement, Interpretation, and Education. It is also surrounded by Saving Species, Saving Habitats, Protecting Pollinators, and Resilient Food Systems
Photo of buffelgrass stalk

Saving Habitats

In the area of plant ecology, 该博物馆目前专注于入侵杂草的科学和管理, primarily buffelgrass, which currently has the greatest potential to transform our saguaro-palo verde forests into fire-prone grasslands, 危及生物多样性和人类健康和财产. Building upon the Museum’s history of publishing the flora of vast areas of the Sonoran Desert – which have been used as the basis for decades of ecological research – we aim to expand into a more holistic approach to maintaining ecosystem function by understanding vegetation dynamics at the landscape scale under a regime of changing climate and introduced species. We are currently invested in research to better understand the impact of fire on saguaro mortality, 从真菌病原体中开发生物除草剂, to monitor treatment effectiveness, 并了解社会行为者之间的行为和互动是如何发生的.g.、医疗机构、政府机构、义工组织等.) influence outcomes of the invasion. We will continue to work with partners at the University of Arizona and regional land managers to develop sustainable approaches for maintaining and restoring desert landscapes that continue to support biodiversity and mitigate the threat of fire for plants, wildlife, and people.


Protecting Pollinators

博物馆目前的重点是了解本地蜜蜂的多样性和生态. 该地区是世界上蜜蜂种类最丰富的地区之一(与中东并列)。, with more than 700-800 species, 然而,2022世界杯下注对这些杰出传粉者的需求和习性知之甚少. Building on the Museum’s history with the Forgotten Pollinators and Migratory Pollinators projects, 这引起了人们对保护这些被忽视的动物的关注, 世界杯app软件推荐将继续与亚利桑那大学的同事合作 了解本地蜜蜂的现状, 影响其多样性和丰度的因素, 以及有助于保护它们在生态系统中的数量和功能的行动. 这些努力依赖于一组志愿者科学家, 博物馆最有价值但未被充分利用的资产之一. These volunteers sample, pin, label and identify every specimen, resulting in a collection of nearly 20,000 bees, 这将在未来几十年用来回答关于富足的问题, diversity, species composition, phenology, 以及气候和其他环境变化对本地蜜蜂的影响. Moreover, we continue to grow the educational component of this effort by offering college and high school students the opportunity to contribute by DNA barcoding bee specimens for which identification is impossible via morphological characters. Through DNA barcoding, students are documenting new species and publishing their barcodes in the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD), 这有助于他们将自己视为科学家. Hundreds of additional community scientists are documenting native bees via photography and the Tucson Bee Collaborative iNaturalist Project. The Museum also participates in networks to monitor and conserve monarch butterflies at the national and state level, 君主标签和公共教育.

Prickly Pear Fruit

Resilient Food Systems

建立在民族植物学研究的悠久历史之上, teaching, and outreach, 博物馆的目标是建立一个研究项目 understand and conserve the wild relatives of modern-day crops and expand the regional food system to include arid-adapted native foods. These native and other arid-adapted plants are an important hedge against the effects of climate change in the Sonoran Desert and other arid regions. They can provide low-cost, low-maintenance food supplies for households and local producers as well as genetic material to adapt future large-scale agriculture to a changing climate. Beyond providing food for people, 原生植物是野生动物食物网和健康生态系统的基础. 有价值的合作伙伴将包括Native Seeds/Search, Mission Garden, UArizona, Tucson City of Gastronomy, Borderlands Restoration and other groups that are interested in this area and would welcome additional research capacity and a connection to education programming for hundreds of thousands of Desert Museum visitors.

Tarahumara Frog

Saving Species

The Desert Museum works with State, Federal and Tribal agencies in both the US and Mexico to help conserve threatened and endangered species from the Sonoran Desert region. 该博物馆在这一领域的研究重点是水生物种的养殖, 虽然工作人员也参与实地调查, 一些非水生物种的重新引进和研究. The Museum holds populations of plants, fish, 用于打捞的两栖动物和爬行动物, assurance and propagation. Knowledge developed at the Museum has led to the first successful breeding of several aquatic species, including, most recently, the Sonoyta mud turtle. Animals held at the Museum, 他们的护理知识也随之发展, 直接影响了索诺塔鱼的生存, Sonoyta mudturtle, Longfin dace, Gila topminnow, Sonoran Desert tortoise, Yaqui catfish, Sonora chub and Tarahumara frog, among others. 博物馆还参与了亚利桑那狩猎和鱼类的乌龟收养计划, 让市民参与拯救这个物种.

In each of the four focal areas, 博物馆与大学研究人员合作, conservation practitioners, 土地管理者回答问题,解决社区今天面临的问题, 为未来预期的和潜在的挑战做好准备. The Museum is unique in its explicit linkage of science to a robust Art Institute and a multi-modal educational platform for increasing public understanding and engagement – which are as important as scientific knowledge for successful conservation programs. The Museum’s science team engages creatively with Museum educators and interpreters – including the award-winning docent program – to develop messaging for exhibits and programs, 以及公众参与的机会, such as community science, pollinator and native-foods gardening, biodiversity surveys, buffelgrass pulls, and native-foods cooking classes. With its legacy of research on and interpretation of Sonoran Desert natural history in a setting that invites hands-on inquiry & connection, 博物馆准备与学术界合作, conservation, management, policy, and community organizations to make an enormous positive impact on the ecological and human systems of the region.

世界杯app软件推荐感谢托马斯·R·盖茨基金会提供的保护资金. Brown Foundation, National Park Service, US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Science Foundation, 博物馆及图书馆服务学会, National Forest Foundation, 亚利桑那州林业和消防管理部, Pima County, the Rossetter Foundation, and anonymous foundations and donors

Selected References:


Allen-Wardell, G., P. Bernhardt, R. Bitner, A. Burquez, S. Buchmann, J. Cane, P.A. Cox, V. Dalton, P. Feinsinger, M. Ingram, D. Inouye, C. E. Jones, K. Kennedy, P. Kevan, H. Koopowitz, R. Medellin, S. Medellin-Morales, G. P. Nabhan. (1998) The potential consequences of pollinator declines on the conservation of biodiversity and stability of food crop yields. Conservation Biology 12(1): 8-17.

Aslan, C.E. (2012-2013) The effect of a spatial shift on interspecific interactions: pollination of relocated vs. wild Arizona hedgehog cacti Final Report for Grant Number: Section 6, Segment 16 - 2012-2013

Aslan, C.E., E. S. Zavaleta, B. Tershy, and D. Croll. (2013)共生破坏对全球植物生物多样性的威胁. PLoS ONE 8: e66993.

Brenner, J.C. and K.A. Franklin. (2017)生活在边缘:城市边缘新出现的环境危害. Environment Magazine 59:16-29.

Buchmann, S.L. and G.P. Nabhan. (1997) The Forgotten Pollinators. Island Press, Washington D.C.

Delgado-Fernández, M., J.G. Escoboar-Flores, and K.A. Franklin. (2017) El cardon gigante (Pachycereus pringlei) y sus interacciones con la fauna en la peninsula de Baja California, México. (The Mexican giant cardon (Pachycereus pringlei) interactions with wildlife on the Baja California peninsula, Mexico. Acta Universitaria 27:3-12. doi:: 10.15174/au.2017.1274

Dimmitt, M.A., J.F. Wiens and T.R. Van Devender. (2005)下加利福尼亚中部多肉动物的极度多样性. In J.-L. E. Cartron, G. Ceballos and R. S. Felger (eds.),生物多样性,生态系统和墨西哥北部的保护 . Oxford Univ. Press.

Franklin, K., and C. Alsan. (2016)自然发生的黑桫椤传粉, outplanted, and safe harbor populations. 最终报告资助号:濒危物种法案第6节,第18段- 2014-2016-05.

Franklin, K.A., P.N. Sommers, C.E. Aslan, J.L. Bronstein, B.R. Lopez, E. Bustamante, A. Montijo-Burquez, R.A. Medellín, B. Marrazi. (2016) Plant biotic interactions in the Sonoran Desert: current knowledge and future research perspectives. 国际植物科学杂志177:217-234.

Gornish, E.S., K.A. Franklin, J. Rowe, and A. Barberán. (2020)草甘膦对荒漠土壤微生物群落的影响. Biological Invasions 22:2587–2597.

Krebbs, K. Hummingbird Husbandry Manual. D. Rimlinger and M. Mace (eds.), AZA Taxon Advisory Group.

Li, Y. M., & Gornish, E. S. (2020). 美国亚利桑那州和加利福尼亚州生态恢复的一般特征与实践.S.A.,由修复利益相关者调查显示. Restoration Ecology.

Li, Y. M., Roche, L. M., & Gornish, E. S. (2020). 弥合加州牧场杂草管理的研究与实施差距. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 73(3), 348–357.

Lien, A., E. Baldwin, and K. Franklin. (2021)南亚利桑那州入侵物种治理的集体行动. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 74: 151-164.

Meyer, W.M, J. Eble, K. Franklin, R.B. McManus, S.L. Brantley, J. Henkel, P.E. Marek, W.E. Hall, C.A. Olson, R. McInroy, E.M. Bernal Loaiza, R.C. Brusca, and W. Moore. (2015) Ground-Dwelling Arthropod Communities of a Sky Island Mountain Range in Southeastern Arizona, 美国:获取评估气候变化影响的基线. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0135210.

Nabhan, G.P. (2001)迁徙传粉昆虫的花蜜路径:恢复私人土地上的走廊. 保护生物学实践2:21-27.

Nabhan, G. P., (ed.)(2004)北美迁徙传粉昆虫及其花蜜通道的保护. 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐,索诺拉沙漠地区自然史,编号. 2. 亚利桑那大学出版社,图森,亚利桑那州.

Nabhan, G.P, E.C. Riordan, L. Monti, A.M. Rea, B.T. Wilder, E. Ezcurra, J.B. Mabry, J. Aronson, G.A. Barron-Gafford, J. Garcia, A. Burques, T. Crews, P.Mirocha, and W. 霍奇森(2020)炎热地区的美洲农业模型, water scarce world, Plants, People, Planet, July 29, 2020

Van Devender, T.R., F J. Espinosa-Garcia, B.L. Haper-Lore, and T. Hubbard (eds). (2009)在移动中的入侵植物:在北美控制它们. 基于2006年跨国杂草大会的演讲. 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐,图森,亚利桑那州

Wilder, B. C. Jarnevich, E. Baldwin, J.S. Black, K.A. Franklin, P. Grissom, K.A. Hovanes, A. Olsson, J. Malusa, A.S.M.G. Kibria, Y.M. Li, A.M. Lien, A. Ponce. J.A. Rowe, J.R. Soto, M.R. Stahl, N.E. Young, J.L. Betancourt. (2021) Caught in the crossfire: grassification and fast evolving fire connectivity and risk in the Sonoran Desert, USA. 生态学与进化前沿9:1-20.

Zachmann, L., J.F. Wiens, K.A. Franklin. S.D. Crausby, V.A. Landau. (2021) Sonoran Desert species advanced flowering with increased growing degree days with diverging responses to changing moisture availability. Madroño 68: 473-486.

 Map of the Sonoran Desert Region
Sonoran Desert Region
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